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ICANN Information



Beginning in January 2014, the registrant contact will need to be validated upon the purchase or transfer of a domain name or if the registrant's first name or last name has been modified. Should any of these occur, OpenSRS will send an email requiring an affirmative response from the registrant. Failing to receive an affirmative response from the registrant within 15 days will result in the suspension of the name. The name will subsequently be placed on 'ClientHold' status, taking the domain (and related services) offline.


If a registrant has already validated their contact information, this process will not be initiated. 


The same validation process will take place if a WHOIS Data Reminder Policy (WDRP) notice, 30 day expiration notice or 5 day expiration notice bounces. It will therefore be of paramount importance to ensure the WHOIS data is correct.


In order to ensure this process is as easy to manage as possible, we will introduce a number of new features in January:






ICANN now requires that registrars (and resellers by extension) list new pieces of information on their website: